Internet Users in UAE: Internet Statistics for 2024

The Internet is the modern-day encyclopedia for any query that a human can have. It has changed how businesses work, transformed the educational system, simplified many day-to-day tasks, and also offered the convenience of safety in times of danger. It now has become a part of everyone’s daily life routine. The usage of the internet has been skyrocketing over the past decade due to the affordability of electronics and the introduction of 3G, 4G and 5G.
People today use the internet to shop for groceries, clothes, furniture, food, and literally anything. Now as a tech geek or any company that’s looking forward to establishing an online business, you might be intrigued to find out the statistics of internet usage. In this blog post, we will explore the latest statistics on internet usage, including the number of users and the most commonly used platforms. Additionally, we will discuss the various ways in which people use the Internet and the benefits businesses can gain from having a website.

Internet Usage in the UAE (2024 Statistics)

Internet Users

Social Media Users

Mobile Connectivity

Average Internet Speeds

The UAE stands out with remarkable average internet speeds:

Web Traffic Across Devices

Preferred Browser

Google Chrome is the most preferred browser, constituting 74.80% of web traffic in 2024.

Social media statistics

Let’s explore some social media statistics for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 2024. Here are the key points:




2.491 billion potential advertising reach worldwide.
YouTube ads reached an impressive 93.2% of the UAE’s total internet user base (regardless of age) in January 2024. Video content is dominating the internet, making it an excellent channel for brand visibility and engagement.



Age Group Statistics

Users Behaviour

Online Activities

Digital Transformation

Insights and Implications


Overall, high internet speeds, network coverage, and advancements in Dubai are a testament to the nation’s rapid technological advancements. It’s clear now that the digital realm is an integral part of life with an internet penetration rate almost reaching total saturation. For businesses, these advancements in the internet offer a chance to establish a powerful online presence among the tech-savvy demographic with the help of digital marketing agencies. Businesses can also use widespread platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn to promote and attract many potential customers.
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